Further reading

UNESCO granted its patronage to a project entitled Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013, which took on the mantle of an international year. Within this framework, a number of intelligent initiatives were taken with a view to making mathematics more accessible.

Mathématiques, l’explosion continue, is a brochure of some twenty texts presenting the contribution of mathematics in addressing questions of real concern in today’s world. Distributed by the Fondation Mathématiques de Paris, the SMF, the SMAI, and the SFdS, with the help of Cap’Maths.

Un jour, une brève is an ambitious web site which, on the initiative of the SMAI, the SMF, the SFdS, the CNRS, INRIA and Cap’Maths, published every day of the week in 2013 a new example of the application of mathematics in our society and for the environment. Something to make you appreciate the need for even the most theoretical research!

Images des mathématiques and Interstices did not wait for 2013 to inform as wide a public as possible about mathematics research.

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