Intensive computations, whether for numerical simulation or the management of large data sets, are indispensable for the research described in this document. It is therefore of the utmost importance to continue financing the high-performance computing resources (including computation/data/network/expertise/support) of the French HPC ecosystem.
These platforms bring together mathematicians, computational scientists and researchers who address the major MPE challenges and adopt a holistic approach to issues: models-data-experimentation-methods-information technology. They may be in contact with environmental science observatories and located in modelling laboratories (for example, the Maison de la Simulation-Paris, MaiMoSiNE-Grenoble, CeMoSiS-Strasbourg or CaSciModOT-Orléans/Tours).
A few platforms already exist but not many mathematicians are involved with them. The INRA, for example, has a platform working on the Modelling of agricultural or forest ecosystems, while other modelling platforms are located at the Centre de Théorie et Modélisation de la Biodiversité (financed by the ANR) and the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (the Earth system modelling platform).